Thursday 22 December 2016



I wish to start by saying that in face of recession flagged by stagnation it is expected that citizens of an affected country like Nigeria will sort and seek for means of surviving the accompanied hardship.

MMM (basic), as I would lebel it was one of such God-given schemes, programme and or network that has helped many Nigerians in varied ways until the recent holidays that gave its enemies the room to malign its virtues and incite fear amongst participants.


mmm nigeria

The question above may sound funny or rather double-edged as Nigerians search the web on per second basis for any programme with the triple 'M' word.

I belief that the Scheme will return stronger and better by January 2017 upon resumption.

My reasons for the above statement is not far.
Going by the rate Nigerians await it and even search for more of its kind to subscribe.

This also, has led to a surge in the number of mutual aid schemes in Nigeria, in fact, I hear of different schemes on daily basis.


Whilst other schemes require you to get downlines before you can earn the promised sum, MMM  gives you the basic of 30% on your PH without such stress but yet gives a 10% incentive for doing so if you so choose to.


Today there a number of MMM  programmed both for the technology generation subscribers, that is Mmm using bit coin and the basic MMM using your fiat currencies eg. Naira.


MMM as a scheme has an undiluted ideology which I ll make effort to itemise the core ones as follows:

  1. Help each other on an absolute gratis basis
  2. No central account where money is paid or kept. Not even for administration purposes.
  3. No investment no returns, no lender no borrower.
  4. No guarantee of returns, always use your spare money.

Yes, many MMM schemes keep evolving on daily basis. This underpins the people's loyalty to the triple 'M' schemes which I level the Money Making Machines, lol.

It is, therefore important to warn my fellow countrymen that any programme that falls short of the ideology and modus operandi of the original MMM should be approached with triple caution or better still never approach it at all.


I am aware of and has reviewed MMM UNITED. I found it safe as it met all the criteria above. YOU CAN TRUST MMMUNITED.

If you are conversant with the MMM basic and understand the bit coin system, then you will agree with me that MMM united is on track to drive home the real ideology which is to get financial aid (give and get help) without the government or anyone exploiting you.
Just a few days ago, I stumbled on a SCAM MMM scheme called MMM EXPRESS, a word really associated with losses.

I wish to warn everyone out there to apply triple caution in approaching it.


  1. It has a central account to which 20% account verification fee is paid base on your PH sum,
  2. If you are matched to pay the remaining 80% before the 6th of January, then you are still paying to the developers as the scheme kicked off on the 20th of December and it takes 15 days to have your mavro withdrawable.
  3. No name or identity of persons being paid, no contact. This is easy because bit coin addresses are anonymous and changes after every transaction, so a single wallet can have millions of different addresses linked to it if it receives a million transactions
  4. You get axed or have your account blocked if you ever query support or administration over the above three points.
Whilst I do know that Nigerians is in dire penury and are eager to take any risk just to survive, I wish to plead that if you must subscribe then  go to MMM UNITED you have nothing to loss as it also guarantee your 100% returns in 30 days that is the same as 50% in 15 days in the trending scam programme.